Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Batten the Hatches! It's another Storm!

Uh Oh, here we go again..... Quick - head for the island of Pag, the chart indicates there's sheltered anchorages there.

Hey, it's a pretty strange island. It doesn't have any trees or running water. It is 60km  long and really skinny with huge mountains behind it on the mainland. I wonder why they have all those wind generators on it..... Anyway, its the best we can reach in time - lets take cover during this storm...

 Rain Rain Rain. Not much to do.. We are running out of drinking water. Why don't we send Dad outside to collect the rain and watch him get really wet! Hey Dad not bad.... 20 litres in 20 minutes but you look like a cold soggy towel! The rainwater is cold but tastes so clean and fresh!

What's a storm without a rainbow?

Meanwhile the boys stay warm with hot chocolates!
The sun comes out and we go ashore and hike cross country to the bakery to get some supplies and treats. On the way back we meet a farmer harvesting fresh grapes from his vineyard. He gives us some bunches and they are soooooo yummy!

As we sail off after the storm, we spot the ruins of a castle - built by the Knights of the Templar  during the Christian Crusades.. Mum is that ruin really older than Granddad??

Back in the islands once more. The suns out, it's late afternoon - time to enjoy happy drinks on the back deck.

Mmmm you look very attractive. May I join you?

Sorry next photo has been censored! See Ya.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Chores?? You must be kidding!

Oh No. We're running out of socks, jocks, water, fuel and food. Time to do some chores. First we need some fuel and water from the local servo.

Then its off to the old city of Zadar for some food shopping.

Uh Oh. No where to park. The harbour is full. Let's ask the trawler guys if we can tie up to them. Yep, OK but we have to climb over 5 trawlers to get to land!

It's worth it. Yummy fresh food in the Old Town Square!

Great. Now we have all that out of the way, the neighbours have invited us over for a champagne and a quick spin in the chopper!

Darn it - just who were those Pirates?

Hey Mum, we are just going to explore - we won't get up to mischief. Back in a minute - OK?

Quick Laine, while Mum's not looking, I'm sure I saw a pirate flag over at the old fort in the middle of the harbour..

Yes. There. They are hiding in the fort!

Watch out - they have swords!

Not very brave pirates.. they won't even show their faces! Darn it, now we have scared them away,  we still don't know who they are...

Anyway - I'm starving Hayden, lets get back to the boat and hit Mum and Dad up for a one of those sticky buns with icing sugar from the bakery. C'mon.

Look who's turning 6 - Happy Birthday Hayden!

Hmm, very hungry work preparing for Hayden's birthday. Lucky they have large bread rolls in Croatia!

Quick we have to get  back to the mainland so Hayden can choose a restaurant!

We couldn't find decorations in the shops so made our own. Hayden loved them!

After an exhaustive search of every Pizza joint in town, Hayden declares this place is the winner..

Why Hayden? Is it the lovely Sunset View? Nope -They have a freezer full of Gelato!

We ate and drank like crazy before lighting up Hayden's enormous Happy Birthday Gelato Dessert!

Hayden even scored a full moon on his birthday night!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Meanwhile - out on the islands...

While we were at the Emporer's Holiday House we picked up a tip in one of the dungeons that some pirates had been spotted lurking out in the islands so we sailed out to investigate...

Rowing their trusty dinghy to the barren shore, our able seamen led the search...

A quick clamber up to the Eagles Lookout to scout the surrounding seas

Quick! Duck! There's somebody coming! Oh hang on, it's only Mum.

Mamma Mia - just when we were hot on the trail, an urgent message was received:

A low is shifting across the Adriatic southeastwards, while a ridge of high pressure is expected to intensify from the west.

Hooley Dooley - that's wind of up to 100kmh. Lets skeaddle out of here and take cover.... FULL STEAM AHEAD

Our Captain took the helm and we found a safe hidey hole between two islands to ride out the storm.

The wind howled, the thunder and lightning raged and the temperature plummeted...

Just when things were looking pretty desperate, Mum came through with a hot 'n tasty choc banana cake! Good on ya Mum!

In the late afternoon, the wind abated to 25 knot gusts and the sun came out.  

After a hard day battling the elements Mum announced she would go and get pizzas to warm our tummies.
Yum Yum

Hey Dad, is this palace really 1710 years old??

Yep, sure was great to find something the boys thought was older than their parents! We made a side trip to Split to chase down some electronic stuff and have a gander at the retirement home one of the Roman Emporors built. Turns out he must have been pretty popular - the tower was finished 250 years odd after he died!
Hayden and Laine were fearless as they climbed the 60 metres to the top. Dad got giddy and couldn't look down! Mum took it all in her stride as usual and grabbed the photos!

Hey you mean we are gonna climb all the way up there...

Hold onto Dad, he might keel over..

Hmm, looks like all the roof tilers SPLIT from here ages ago!

Hang on, what about the view from the tower top?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mamma Mia - we are really here!

A quick hop from Zurich,  Switzerland to Split in Croatia but we can't find our boat...

Oh wait, here it is!

Let's put Donna on the front. Isn't she gorgeous!

Hmm, this old town of Primosten looks like it might be hiding a few pirates - lets check it out...

Let's send in one of our agents incognito to investigate...
Mum and Dad up here, its me (shhh) Hayden, I'm up in the top of the church tower. I can see the whole harbour but no pirates.

Mum.... Dad..... is that you drinking again?

No pirates. Oh well lets just have a swim..