Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hey Dad, is this palace really 1710 years old??

Yep, sure was great to find something the boys thought was older than their parents! We made a side trip to Split to chase down some electronic stuff and have a gander at the retirement home one of the Roman Emporors built. Turns out he must have been pretty popular - the tower was finished 250 years odd after he died!
Hayden and Laine were fearless as they climbed the 60 metres to the top. Dad got giddy and couldn't look down! Mum took it all in her stride as usual and grabbed the photos!

Hey you mean we are gonna climb all the way up there...

Hold onto Dad, he might keel over..

Hmm, looks like all the roof tilers SPLIT from here ages ago!

Hang on, what about the view from the tower top?

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