Sunday, September 5, 2010

Mamma mia - quick - some one call the Coastguard!

Hello there me little fish tails n' Welcome to the Good Ship Mamma Mia.  We'd like to assure you first of all that we are very serious about sailing...

Come aboard and meet the crew - There's Craizy Capt'n Craig

 His beautiful First Mate no sorry make that Play Mate Donna

And don't forget the two fire-crazy deck scrubbers - Laine and Hayden

So set your sails with us me hearties as we hoist the hoist and jib the jub on our quest to find the birth place of Marco Polo and our great grandfather Pirate Bob Gugich on the fabled island of Korcula in far away 'Croatia'!


  1. Ah Hoy there me hearties!
    Hope the trip over was good. What beautiful photos and what a great idea. Yippee I hope I am the first to be a follower. Mama Mia looks fantastic!! Enjoy and we will be following you on you on your journey. love Janine, David, Holly and Lauren

  2. bon voyage. It's like Gilligan's Island! Have a blast and look forward to keeping in touch through thins fab blog. Here's to calm seas. xxx Lara

  3. I'll be watching with envy - I should make a few sales and fly over and meet you for a couple of days !! Took me a while to figure how to blog this - and follow your travels. fantastic site you created - have the time of your life! mamma mia will be watching from close by...take good care. Theodora xx

  4. Hi there Captain Horatio and Able Crew!! I think I've worked this out now!! Ah, the technology! Love your photos - it looks magical so far. Enjoy everything and get lost in the adventure - I know you will..We send all our love so take care on the high seas! Robxxx

  5. Great photos... it looks like you are having a wonderful time xx nicola and boys

  6. Hi there loving to catch up with your adventures keep up the good work. We wish we were there with you! love
    Janine, David, Holly and Lauren
