Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Batten the Hatches! It's another Storm!

Uh Oh, here we go again..... Quick - head for the island of Pag, the chart indicates there's sheltered anchorages there.

Hey, it's a pretty strange island. It doesn't have any trees or running water. It is 60km  long and really skinny with huge mountains behind it on the mainland. I wonder why they have all those wind generators on it..... Anyway, its the best we can reach in time - lets take cover during this storm...

 Rain Rain Rain. Not much to do.. We are running out of drinking water. Why don't we send Dad outside to collect the rain and watch him get really wet! Hey Dad not bad.... 20 litres in 20 minutes but you look like a cold soggy towel! The rainwater is cold but tastes so clean and fresh!

What's a storm without a rainbow?

Meanwhile the boys stay warm with hot chocolates!
The sun comes out and we go ashore and hike cross country to the bakery to get some supplies and treats. On the way back we meet a farmer harvesting fresh grapes from his vineyard. He gives us some bunches and they are soooooo yummy!

As we sail off after the storm, we spot the ruins of a castle - built by the Knights of the Templar  during the Christian Crusades.. Mum is that ruin really older than Granddad??

Back in the islands once more. The suns out, it's late afternoon - time to enjoy happy drinks on the back deck.

Mmmm you look very attractive. May I join you?

Sorry next photo has been censored! See Ya.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys, your photos look amazing, glad your having a great time, shame about still having to do the odd chore but what a great place to be doing them in! Looking forward to hearing more stories when you return...
    Peter and Sharon
